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tv   9 News Now at 430am  CBS  November 25, 2011 4:30am-5:00am EST

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from the wreck. three cars were involved. the engine of one of the cars burst into flames and the woman, because of her injuries, couldn't get out. two men came in to help. they opened the door of the burning car and pulled her to safety. the car was gutted by fire. she was taken to the hospital with serious but not life- threatening injuries. imagine serving overseas in the military, picking up the fiend hearing happy thanksgiving from none other than the commander in chief. >> which is exactly what happened to a number of servicemen and women from the oval office, president obama telephoned ten service members serving in afghanistan and iraq. in addition to wishing them happy thanksgiving, the president thanked them for serving the country. mr. obama continued that thought during his weekly web and radio address. >> all of the service members eating thanksgiving dinner far from your families, the american people are thinking of you today. when you come home, we intend to make sure we serve you swrls
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you're serving america. our troops serving overseas were interested in a different kind of serving. most days, men and women deployed in iraq and afghanistan eat cold, prepackaged meals. this holiday, the mess halls cooked up a huge feast. >> turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, dinner rolls, corn on the cob. >> getting the taste of home is the next best thing to actually being home. >> crab legs sounds good. troops serving at a military base in arizona got a taste of home served by gabrielle giffords. she and her husband volunteered their time in her hometown of tucson. giffords continues to recover from a gunshot wound suffered during the shooting in january. people here in the d.c. area also took time to make sure the occupy d.c. protestors got a traditional thanksgiving
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dinner dropping off boxes with turkey, rice and lots more. they're not supporting any group or cause but just wanted to do something nice for the protestors. >> time is 4:32. coming up at 4:40, even though it is black friday, the day of super sales, many of you are holding on to your dollars until cyber monday. this may be the best year to buy a new flat screen tv. we'll explain why when we return. >> we're back with your weather first in two minutes. keep it here.
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it is 4:35. we're looking at chilly temperatures if you're heading out getting some of the early friday morning shopping done. temperatures in the 30s and 40s in and around the region. we're seeing 20s popping on in. day planner will show some improvement. we'll have plenty of sunshine today. hit those mid and upper 50s by noon and yes, highs today should top out in the lower range 60s by late in the day. the next three days are looking pretty great. we'll see some great temperatures through most of the weekend with a slight chance of rain. now, let's get a check of the morning drive with beverly. >> busiest at the shopping centers where it has been busy all night. we're in decent shape this morning. beltway at the american legion bridge running freely in each direction. no early problems i-270, crash ties up a portion of 108, the east side of georgia avenue, dr. bird road.
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on-going crash investigation there. back to you. >> this year started even earlier with many stores opening up thanksgiving night. you should see the amount of cars on the road at 2:00 in the morning. >> usually we're the only ones. all right. well, more than 150 million people are expected to shop this weekend. we'll check in with kristin fisher a little bit later. they've had four and a half hours or six and a half hours. >> some stores like toys "r" us were open at 9:00 last night. what! >> what are they doing? lining up on wednesday night? >> halloween. >> all right. we'll check in with kristin fisher in a little bit. it is time for your first money report of the morning. >> jessica doyle is off today but here is alexis christoforous with today's headlines. >> reporter: if you plan on doing a little holiday shopping from the office monday, you're not alone. cyber monday is expected to bring record online sales this
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year. a new survey finds more than half of all workers plan to do some of their holiday shopping while on the job the monday after thanksgiving. last year's cyber monday was the most popular online shopping day of the year with sales topping $1 billion. this year, online sales are projected to hit $1.2 billion. the stock market is open for a shortened trading day. it will close three hours early. bond traders have the day off. stocks sold off ahead of the holidays on lingering concerns about debt issues both in the u.s. and europe. the dow industrials sank 236 points while the nasdaq fell back 61. if an lcd television is on your christmas list, today may be the day to buy one. prices are expected to fall to the lowest levels ever. manufacturers are slashing prices to revive struggling sales for the hdtv sets because so many people already have one that the market for them is shrinking. that's your money watch. for more, head to in new york, i'm alexis
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christoforous. >> a writer tells us of a horrid detail, brief affair with one of the most desired women of the 20th century. >> his story is the subject of a new movie out in theatres now. we'll have more on that coming up shortly. we're back in two minutes.
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olga breeze is in for howard. back from a great vacation she was telling me about. >> i went to europe. i did fly back and forth but i didn't spend time over there. i had a week in london, a week in paris but now the is back to reality. >> we have a gorgeous weekend coming our way, right? >> absolutely. i think it will be nice for the next couple of days. however a little bit of rain will try to sneak in here late in the day on sunday.
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if you want to head out and get the bargains, it is a great morning to do that. you'll need the jacket. we're on the chilly side. we're looking good on the satellite and radar picture. we're not seeing too much with our day planner for today. the sunshine is going to last through mid day and late day. maybe a passing cloud as we head into the evening hours. in all, it will be fairly comfortable. we're talking about temperatures in the 40s during the early morning hours. we'll rise to about the mid-40s as we get into late morning. by noontime, you will feel quite comfortable. mild temperatures, 58 degrees by noon. we'll take that up into the lower range 60s by 3:00 p.m. some areas down to the south and off to the west might see 63, 64 degrees. but the city center should be pretty nice as well. high pressure is in control. i think we're going to keep that up for the short term. in the meantime though, bundle up if you're heading out this morning. a very good idea to dress in a couple of layers because the temperatures are quite cool. temperatures around 34 degrees
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for gaithersburg. 42 in d.c. and yes, we're seeing the freezing mark down toward our south and toward our east. things will be a little bit nicer later on in the afternoon. overall today, it will be a fairly sunny day for us. in fact, i'm expecting our dew points to keep us quite dry. we don't have a lot of moisture to work with for today. that's a good thing. it means we'll be able to see a pretty good afternoon as we head late in the day. satellite and radar shows the effects of that high pressure system. most of the east coast is clear. that's fan tast fick you're going to be taking the drive out of the area. perhaps for saturday or for sunday. fairly good driving conditions until late in the day on sunday. as i mentioned, things will start to change for us. here's how it plays out with our future cast forecast model. this is one computer suggestion of how things should play out over the next 48 hours. i'll get it going from friday morning. we're look at about 2:00 p.m. with plenty of sunshine from pennsylvania down through maryland and even into most of virginia. but as we head into the later
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portions say into saturday, little bit of cloud cover starts to move on in. we're still looking good even by saturday midday and late afternoon. that's when things will start to change. overnight saturday, the next front starts to move on clear toward us. the snowy precipitation you see on the other side of the front not expected for us here in washington, d.c. however, we will see some of that rain come sunday afternoon. highs today though, enjoy it while we have it. normals this time of the year, nowhere near the 60s. this is quite a treat to see temperatures in the lower and mid-60s in toward the afternoon. the overnight temperatures for tonight will be low as well down into the 30s for most of the region. inside the beltway we'll stick to about 40 degrees for washington, d.c. the next seven days ahead looking quite nice. plenty of sunshine friday into saturday. we start out on the sunny side on sunday and we hold the temperatures in the 60s. by the time we get into sunday afternoon, many of us across the western locations might see the sprinkle move through. by monday, it will be an
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overcast day. you'll notice the chill move on through. cooler temperatures, 50s for tuesday and for wednesday. and even as we get toward the end of the week, we're definitely seeing some lower temperatures as we get in toward thursday, friday and into saturday. yes, down into the 40s. let's take a check at the drive with beverly farmer. >> olga, good weather for the ride wherever it is you're headed back home from the turkey or home to shop. interstates, the georgia avenue interchange here near connecticut avenue, we've got very light volume. however, georgia avenue up in olney, they're dealing with a crash little bit north of here. route 108 east of georgia avenue, police are directing folks around the single vehicle crash. i-70 corridor, beltway south, 66 corridor is incident-free as has 95. hov rules are back in effect. today is not a federal holiday. maryland and virginia have to deal with that.
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northbound route one in the hybla valley area still blocked off with a crash near lockheed boulevard. southbound traffic able to get around that. northbound 95, lanes open on to 395 heading into the 14th street bridge. mike, surae, back to you. all right, bev. this year, they decided why not start earlier? people are already out shopping. >> 9:00, 10:00 was the open door buster deals. kristin fisher is live at macy's in tysons corner. macy's, they've got four and a half hours of shopping behind them. >> this is the third year in a row i've covered black friday here at tysons corner center. this year, by far, the busiest. when i pulled up, the parking lot at macy's, absolutely packed. it is just as packed inside. joining me now, elizabeth with tysons corner. this is crazy here. would you say that this is a lot busier this year than
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previous years? >> it is a lot busier this year. it is amazing. we couldn't have done any better. >> what's going on? what do you attribute the crowds to? >> a lot of retailers kept their black friday door busters a secret so people were anxious to see what was going on. >> give me the scoop. what were some of the door buster deals that the early birds have already received this morning? >> abercrombie & fitch, 50% off everything in the store. aeropostale, same thing, 50%. >> tell me about the old navy one? >> old navy gave away digital cameras to the first 60 people who showed up. >> digital cameras for being one of the first people here. pretty good deal. >> you know, macy's has been open since midnight. a lot of the stores are opening up in about 10, 15 minutes right at 5:00 a.m. for the slackers out there, elizabeth, people who won't get going until later this morning, what are the deals they can still expect?
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are there some left? >> absolutely. abercrombie and aeropostale and levi's and ann taylor, they're all offering discounts until later in the day. so, i don't think they want to discredit any customers for sleeping off the turkey. >> absolutely. i would be one of those if i were not working. finally, want to ask you, so many people get intimidated by the parking on black friday. you're a pro with parking near tysons corner. what would you recommend for people coming down here in terms of where to find the best parking spots? >> well, you know, you gotta grin and bear it. my personal secret is find a spot on the edge near the exit. >> i love it. thank you, elizabeth. we'll be chatting with you later, i'm sure. coming up, a big story here at tysons corner center, of course, this is the first time that macy's has opened up at midnight. we'll be chatting with one of the managers of macy's coming up at 5:00. back to you, surae. >> all right, thank you,
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kristin. >> i can't do it. there's no way. it is hard to imagine thanksgiving without turkey and pumpkin pie. that was the case for a lot of people in d.c. this holiday. >> thousands of first responders, for example, had to go to work and a lot of other people couldn't afford a holiday feast. so, as lindsey mastis reports, volunteers provided meals to some of them. ♪ >> reporter: everyone is welcome at the central union mission in northwest. 800 pounds of turkey. 600 pounds of sweet potatoes and 400 pounds of stuffing. it is for those in need. ♪ >> reporter: professional boxer lamont peterson is from the area and he is volunteering because he knows what it is like to be in their shoes. >> it is fantastic. i wish i had places like this to come to get some food on thanksgiving. >> god is gracious. god is good.
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and we thank you for our food. amen. >> reporter: at the salvation army, the cheesecake factory opened shop and served hundreds of meals. >> without salvation army, my probably wouldn't get fed all of these years, you know. so, i really thank them. >> at the four seasons in georgetown, this was set up for our first responders in the city. they're able to stop by and get a full thanksgiving meal and what they do is get on the mayflower, it is a trailer tractor. >> truly a blessing. >> nice when someone appreciates this. and the food is good. >> it is a nice way to say thank you to everything they do for the community. >> thanks to volunteers who put others first on this thanksgiving day, there were many happy faces and genuine smiles. >> thank you! >> reporter: in washington, you'll lindsey mastis, 9news now. >> eating too much soup out of a can could increase your exposure to busy roxanol a, a
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study compared people who ate canned soup over five days compared with those who ate fresh soup. it made the eaters 13 times higher. business pan ol a is linked to it and it needs to be confirmed with more research. getting the cup of joe can do a lot more than jump start the heart. women who drink several cups of coffee per day are less likely to develop endometrial or uterine cancer. the reason, doctors say is previous studies show that coffee lowers the levels of insulin and estrogen and high levels of both are linked to endometrial cancer. >> a man in france is the first person ever to be diagnosed outside of africa with an extremely rare type of h.i.v. the 57-year-old checked himself into an emergency room in paris shortly after returning from
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the west african nation. he tested positive for particularly severe type of h.i.v. after having a sexual relationship in tongo. this type closely resembles a form of the virus found among wild chimpanzees. health officials call it a wakeup call for more rigorous international monitoring. researchers may be one step closer to finding a way to repair damage to the brain. doctors at harvard university tran planted an embryonic neurons from healthy field mice to repair brain cells and grow new ones and mice with deficientsies. it could lead to new treatments for everything from spinal cord injuries and autism to epilepsy and lou gehrig's disease. time to check out the question of the morning. >> 25% of all married couples met here either the airplane, college or grocery store. >> log on to and leave your response. we'll reveal the answer coming up in the 6:00 hour.
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i'm olga breeze in. we're definitely looking at a clear and quiet day weatherwise. plenty of sunshine. your day planner is looking great. lots of sunshine this morning. it is a little bit on the chilly side. temperatures currently in the 40s and 30s. we'll bump that up into the 50s by the 11:00 hour. later on this afternoon, we head for the lower range 60s.
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sunshine sticks with us even into late day. clear and cool back down into the 50s. it will be a pretty great day. we'll continue some of that for tomorrow. our visibility so far is quite nice. but the next three days featuring sunshine, temperatures well above average in the 60s then we start to cool things down in your extended forecast. now, for a check of the morning drive, here's beverly. >> olga, right for you we're looking good on the roadways. no early problems interstatewise heading into the shopping centers in pretty good shape. travel the 95 corridor, the hov restrictions are back in effect both maryland and virginia today. it is not a federal holiday. hov lanes moving in the northbound direction here in springfield. crash in virginia in the ybd side of route one, northbound lanes blocked at lockheed boulevard. back to you. thank you, beverly. thanksgiving thursday, a perfect day for the most popular parade in the country, the 85th annual macy's thanksgiving day parade in new york city of course. flying high in this year's festivities, 40 balloons, the
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old favorites like snoopy and mickey and kermit were there. and there was -- there's kermit. there was a new one. dulius, the monkey. marching bands from all over the country. >> this is my first time being here. i'm really excited. a little nervous from all of the people watching. >> definitely worth going. an estimated three million spectators lined the streets of new york city. another 50 million tuned in on tv. if you made it through the entire parade, the big man in the red suit paid his visit like he always does. santa claus there to remind you christmas is only 29 shopping days away. george clooney may testify at the trial of italy's former prime minister sylvio berlusconi faces charges he had sex with an underage prostitute last year. the woman said she spotted clooney at one of berlusconi's sex parties. clooney denies the allegations.
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she was the most famous actress in the world. he was a young irish oxford grad. >> the new movie, my week with marilyn tells the story and the true story. almost unbelievable one about marilyn monroe's summer fling. sandra hughes has a preview. ♪ michelle williams steps into marilyn monroe's shoes to tell about a wild whirlwind romance during the filming of the prince and the show girl in 1956. my week with marilyn is about the actress's affairs with director's assistant collin clark. williams has had tragedy in her young life. the father of her child, heet ledger died of a drug overdose almost four years ago. she relates to monroe's search for happiness. >> i think she was constantly looking for a place to belong, looking for a home because she was denied that over and over again as a child and never really recovered from it.
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can you imagine? roar her co-star kenneth branning a said she transformed herself for the role. >> michelle had to do marilyn, sing and dance and walk and shimmy. >> ol ofive yea was livid about marilyn's antics on the set, always late and appearing to be drugged up. >> she knows exactly what she's doing. >> playing owe olivier has its own challenges. >> many people knew exactly what he sounded like. >> my week with marilyn shows the several sides of marilyn monroe while delivering a heartbreaking story of a star who could never find herself. sandra hughes, cbs news, hollywood. >> williams' performance as marilyn monroe is generating oscar buzz for the actress. you can check it out yourself, my week with marilyn is now playing in theatres. good morning, everybody.
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happy black friday. hope you had a terrific thanksgiving. thanks for being here on 9news now at 5:00. i'm surae chinn in for andrea roane. >> i'm mike hydeck. howard and monika are o beverly farmer will have traffic. we start with olga breeze with the weather. if you were heading out to the mall this morning, it will be cold to start, right? better this afternoon? >> it will be quite nice this afternoon. i think everyone loves it when the sunshine is out in full force. we're going to continue that in toward the afternoon today. we're definitely looking at a cool start. don't be fooled by the clear skies. it will be plenty of sunshine. you want the sunglasses. also a coat stepping out. things will get better though later on in the day. we're talking about current temperatures into the 40s inside the beltway. 30s outside the beltway. things will be nicer later on this afternoon. by the 9:00 hour, most of us are moving nicely into the middle range 40s. things really peak up for us late in the day. midday, late day temperatures top out in


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